
Although many perceive Boxing to be brutal and dangerous sport medical evidence has shown that compared to other contact sports boxing is relatively safe. As with all contact sports there are risks of injury with some more common than others depending on the type of sport.

With boxing the focus is fist fighting wearing boxing gloves where blows are focused at the upper body and head. Naturally, this can lead to injury but rarely is there severe lasting damage. Along with bruising to the face, hands and ribs, the most common boxing injuries are Boxers Fractures, Carpal Bossing, Cuts (Lacerations), Shoulder Dislocation and Concussion.

Boxing is one of the oldest martial arts styles of the western hemisphere of this world. It is also known as fist pugilism or pugilism of the fist. In other words, boxing is the act or sport of fighting with the fists. Basically, the game of boxing is generally played by two players where they fight, knocks each other on proper techniques.

The 5 most common injuries in Boxing are:

  1. Fractures
  2. Carpal Bossing
  3. Lacerations
  4. Shoulder Dislocation
  5. Concussion